"A Place of Refreshing"
"Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress"
1 Timothy 4:15
Adult Bible Study
Inspirational teaching creates inspirational living. Learn how to walk with Jesus.
Mens Department
The Men’s Department meets once a month to discuss issues concerning men using the Word of God to provide answers
Adult Choir
Hear the sounds of the anointed Living Waters Choir as they minister in song and provide an atmosphere of praise and worship second to none.
Womens Department
Learn to be a Woman of God. The Women’s Department meets once a month to discuss issues concerning women using the Word of God to provide answers.

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children”
Isaiah 54:13
Sunshine Band
You are never too young to learn about Jesus. The Sunshine Band provides a foundation for our youth to learn about him.
Youth Choir
The Youth Choir lets us know that even the youth can sing for Jesus.
Praise Dance Team
Learn how to express your love of God in dance by joining the Dance Ministry. You will get closer to God and learn how to work with others
Youth Bible Study
The Bible is for everyone, including our youth. Youth Bible Study shows our young people how to trust in the Word of God

"He That believeth on me...out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters"
John 7:38
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